Advanced Fellowship Training in Paediatric Rheumatology (Singapore)
Specialty:Paediatrics & Paediatric Rheumatology
National Specialist Register No.: 130673
Location: 1st Floor, Outpatient Clinic B
Phone/Extension No.: +606-648 8888(7147)
Dr Koay graduated from University Sains Malaysia in 2005 and had served in the ministry of health Malaysia since then. An avid interest in child’s health led him to pursue paediatric specialist training by way of MRCPCH (UK) in 2012, and a consultancy in paediatric rheumatology in 2017. Aside from clinical care, he is extensively involved in the education of junior doctors, for both postgraduate and subspecialty training. He regularly holds lectures, classes and workshops to guide fellow doctors in treating the various rheumatological diseases. Dr Koay is offering Paediatric Rheumatology consultation (childhood arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Juvenile Dermatomyositis etc) on a visiting basis (by appointment) at UCSI hospital.